This is the most Perinent question one needs to ask when planning an AP prep routine. So, Option’s answer to the question is not only interesting but also enlightening. We believe there are 4 essential aspects of our AP Training modules that make for a wholesome, interesting, and long-lasting academic experience.
We enjoy working with you.
With a long and varied teaching tenure, our trainers are not teachers by default but teachers by choice. Each member of our team has taken up teaching as a career choice and enjoys the excitement of working round the year with students from different cultural and academic backgrounds. Whether
in a Group or in a Private course, our trainers seamlessly move from one class to another enthused by their passion for teaching.
We take a holistic approach to teaching.
Interestingly, although the courses for all the AP subjects have been designed to follow the syllabi of the AP subjects, we have incorporated flexibility in delivering the lectures to ensure that students from AP schools and those from non – AP schools are both well facilitated. Besides, the emphasis on
Multiple Choice Questions as well as on Free Response Questions allows students to strengthen all dimensions of the AP subjects they are training for.
We know how to optimize the prep.
- Allow the student to be among a set of competitive peers.
- Give the student the sense of competition needed to excel.
- Follow a systematic training schedule that includes weekly tests.
- Involve regular appraisals.
- Guarantee enhancement of subject exposure.
- Provide rich interface with the subject.
- Allow the trainer to set a pace that the student can cope with.
- Let the student plan class schedules that suit him.
- Follow a systematic training schedule that includes weekly tests.
- Involve regular appraisals.
- Guarantee enhancement of subject skills.
We encourage competition and ambition.
We believe no one gets anywhere without ambition. So, we encourage students to be competitive by interacting with each other, by meeting previous year’s AP students and by taking regular MOCK tests in the month before the exam. We proudly display our results to encourage students to push hard and to aim high!
We believe you know now why Option is the best AP Prep platform for everyone!!
Good Luck!